Letter of Recommendation

To Clarendon Scholarship Fund

It is my great pleasure to recommend Michael Adigreace for the Clarendon Scholarship Fund. I got to know Michael as his 11th grade AP biology teacher at SMAN 3 Bandung.

From the first day of class, Michael impressed me greatly with his focus and determination. He never hesitated to ask for help when the course material wasn’t clear and would stay after school for additional assistance. He showed great interest in the course and her passion for the field of science is evident.

I was also very impressed by the way he worked with his classmates. Michael got along well with everyone. He is both caring, respectful, and patient. He often sat with other students who needed extra help, and explained to them the concepts they didn’t understand.

Michael is enrolled at the University of Padjajaran and will be starting in the fall of 2019. He plans to major in biology. It is his hopes and dreams to go to medical school following her undergraduate degree.

There is no doubt in my mind that Michael will succeed in whatever he path he chooses to take. He was one of my most motivated students who never succumbed to the pressure of school work and external commitments. 

Michael comes from a family of immigrants and will be the first one in her family to get a college degree. Her parents work very hard to support the family, but finances are a big strain on her family. Maria worked at a coffee shop during all four years of high school as well as babysat to help her parents out. She also helped take care of her brother who is 6 years younger than her.

Michael is very proud of his hispanic roots. He was a member of the hispanic club for all four years of high school. Hhe hopes to encourage other hispanic students to go to college and enter the field of science.

His hard work and effort will get his very far in life and there is no doubt in my mind that he will succeed. He is very deserving of this scholarship and will greatly contribute to any community that he’s a part of.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at nicolasirgya@gmail.com


D.Sc. Nicolas Irgy Adryan


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