Exposition Text

Online Public Transportation
   Technological development is way too fast in this decade, so many positive and negative things of this development. You can prevent the negative things if you can use it wisely. One of the most helpful of this development is the existence of online public transportation. Online public transportation is like the conventional transportation, but you can order wherever you are with an online application on smartphone, like Uber, Grab, etc. But, online public transportation have a lot of services not like the conventional transportation that just have few services. 
   Usually this services used by society in the big city. They are too "lazy" to go out because there is traffic jam on any road. They use this services because cheaper, more effective, easier than conventional public transportation.
   This services is really helpful. You can use it in some situation, like, hungry, shopping, spa, etc. Just open your smartphone press order and then your problem is solved, but don't forget the money to pay the services. 
   Online public transportation does help, but don't forget the conventional public transportation is still exist. Traffic jam and polution can be a problem. In the big city so many people use their private vehicle. We can't stop the production of the car but we can minimized traffic jam and polution by use public transportation, so one of the ways to minimized it use public transportation in your daily life.
    Online public transportation is very helpful for the society in the big city. No need to bother thinking what they want. Just order on a smartphone. Almost all services exist on the application. Don't forget to use this amazing technology, and reduce the use of private vehicle to prevent traffic jam and polution.


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